Trial Project

Trial Project Introduction

To introduce the value of MH Pro! to your organization FBE has created a no cost Trial Project.  The project consists of the following activities:

  • A quick customization of MH Pro! for one of your precast types (48” Sanitary or Storm Manholes or one size of Rectangular Box Structures).
  • Configuring two graphical reports (Full structure elevation/plan view and a custom piece shop detail).
  • Install by download or CD to your computer.
  • Two hours of phone instruction in the use of MH Pro!
  • Two to four hours of support for questions generated through off-line work.
Why a Trial Project?

A software application that can assist with the sales, engineering, and manufacturing activity of successful precast producers must be able to deal with all the complexities of your business.  At the core MH Pro! is easy to use, but to sort through all the features when learning can be a large task.  People busy producing precast products often have little time for other tasks.  We created the Trial Project so the power of MH Pro! can be demonstrated and real work can be done on existing production jobs.

What is your commitment to get a Trial Project?

The Trial Project requires 5.5* hours of time from your organization for the following activities:

  • Up to 2 hours to provide a detailed description of one of your major types of precast and to describe how our reports should be modified for your use.
  • 30 minutes or less for downloading and installing MH Pro!
  • 1.5 hours for a training session on using MH Pro! on a training job.
  • 1.5 hours for a training session on using MH Pro! on an actual job production structures of your choosing.

* Note: For high volume producers more time for data gathering may be needed.

What happens after the Trial Project?

Usually, your people involved with the Trial Project will have questions:

  • Can I do x, y, or z?
  • Can I have a, b, or c?

These questions will lead to what we call the technological barriers, and our engineers will provide answers so that you can judge if MH Pro! will meet your needs.

The Trial Project ends when you decide to enter into an agreement with FBE to provide you with a production version of MH Pro!, or your decision not to proceed.

The Technical and Business Documents for the Trial Project

There will be a Technical Document that describes what is to be accomplished in the Trial Project and a Business Document that describes the business arrangement that supports the Trial Project.  It is the expectation of FBE and your company that a successful Trial Project will lead to an Informal Business Agreement and then to a Lease Agreement.

Request a Trial Project

Below you will find an email link to request a demo build of MH Pro!  Please include the following information with your request:

Contact information such as Name, Company, Address, City / State and Phone Number so we may contact you.

Information regarding type of structures you make.

Please email us at to submit a Trial Project request.