Metric Demo Description

Details about the Metric DemoBuild

The Metric DemoBuild that you have received has a few differences from the customized version of MH Pro! that FBE provides for Trial Projects. Each of the following may or may not be true for your company.

  1. Precast pieces have the height measured from the outside bottom.
  2. The pieces are designed to meet the Ontario Provincial Standards.
  3. Selected frames and grates may not be the same as the ones that you use.
  4. The pipes in the example structures may not be those that are used in your area.
  5. Angles are measured Clockwise (CW).

The example structures in the DemoBuild have specific ways that the following are presented (these presentations can be modified for your company).

  1. Adjustment (rings or leave short)
  2. Joint Seals
  3. Opening/connector Descriptions

If you chose to do a Trial Project, then FBE customer engineers will request data about your precast pieces to put into MH Pro! so that the Shop and Submittal Drawings have the content and format your company requires. There are different versions of the Shop Drawing available in the Metric DemoBuild for any structure in the sample jobs. You may chose elements from these Shops Drawings to define what your Shop Drawing will look like.

Minimum Computing Resources Needed

A 1-Ghz computer can run the DemoBuild of MH Pro!. The performance will be slow but the program will function. For production we recommend at least two Gb of memory and Pentium 4/AMD 3800 or better in processing power.  A 1080P display is recommended for desktops, and high resolution is recommended for laptops.

Windows 7, Vista, XP or 2000 Operating System is required.  MS Office or Open Office is required for some functions.

Loading MH Pro!

Once your receive your e-mail with the TWO needed links for downloading the DemoBuild of MH Pro!, you will need to download the files. You will be contacted and any assistance you need to install the TWO files for MH Pro! will be given.

Training Activities

There is a Training Outline (attached to this message or available at that will be used in the phone training session that provides the instructions needed to use MH Pro!.

Once your receive your DemoBuild of MH Pro! EZ you will be contacted to set up a time for the phone training, which usually lasts 40 minutes.

MH Pro! Demo Builds are Time Limited.

Each version of the MH Pro! Demo Build is time limited, so if it has been several months since the last time you used it, it may not function and a call to FBE will be needed to get a more current version.