
Your manhole and storm structure design activity gains a software program and a support system when you lease MH Pro! from FBE Associates, Inc.    We have created a 7 step process to guide your MH Pro! implementation.  It is designed so that you expend a minimum amount of your time in the creation of a unique version of MH Pro! for your company.

Seven Implementation Steps

FBE uses these seven implementation steps to ensure that each implementation of MH Pro! is a success.

Demo Build

The MH Pro! Demo Build is a database of generic precast pieces and a set of general rules that determine the precast pieces that make up an individual precast structure.  Clicking on “Demo Build” explains in detail what the MH Pro! Demo Build is, why you would want one, how you get it and what it’s limitations are.

Trial Project

A Trial Project introduces the value of MH Pro! to your organization.  At no cost to you, FBE can demonstrate the power of MH Pro! through the Trial Project, while real work on existing production jobs is being accomplished.

Production Level Estimate

FBE uses an estimate of precast producers yearly production as the basis for its pricing.  The production level estimate can be calculated from spreadsheets that FBE provides.  FBE excepts a yearly production estimate produced from any method that a precast producer chooses to utilize.  An example of the production level estimate can be found here.


The amount your company pays each year to lease MH Pro! is directly related to how much MH Pro!  functionality you use and to how often you use MH Pro!  The best way to gauge how often you use MH Pro! is to use the number of precast structures you make in a year.  We use your estimate of the number of precast structures you produce in a year to determine your basic monthly Lease Rate.